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Privacy Policy

Hello, we are Designtech and this policy has been prepared pursuant to Article 13 EU Reg. 679/2016 ("GDPR"). In this document we explain how we process, protect, and store data about each visitor ("User") collected through designtech.space("The Site").

1. Who processes
your data?(
Data controller )

Who is the data controller?

The data controller is the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of data processing. It is, in fact, the person who collects and manages your personal data, taking responsibility for it by law.The Data Controller is Designtech srl Società Benefit ("Designtech" or the "Data Controller") - Via Privata Polidoro da Caravaggio 30 - 20156 Milano - Part. Iva: IT12415810964

2. What data do we process?

Browsing data including: IP address, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment ("Browsing Data").

Data voluntarily provided by the user including: first name, last name, email address, phone number, professional information ("Contact Data").

3. Assumptions and purposes for which we process your data

What is the legal basis for processing?
The legal basis is the condition by which Designtech can lawfully process personal data. For more details you can read Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 ("GDPR").

On what legal basis do we base the processing?
There may be several legal bases for data processing.

Consent: data processing takes place because the User has given consent.

Execution of a contract: Data processing is necessary to conclude or execute our contract.

Legal obligation: data processing is required by a specific regulatory provision.

Legitimate interest: Data processing is necessary to fulfill a legitimate interest of ours. For each processing based on this legal basis, we have carefully checked that your rights and interests do not override ours.

A) Send communications and responses to inquiries pertaining to Designtech's activities.
Designtech will process Contact Data.
Legal basis: Contract Art. 6.1(b) of the GDPR

B) Send newsletters and/or other materials for marketing communication purposes.
Designtech will process Contact Data.
Legal Basis: Consent Art.6.1(a) of the GDPR

C) Improve the website by analyzing how Visitors or Users browse and/or use the website.Designtech collects and stores User Navigation Data
Legal basis: Legitimate interest art 6.1(f) of the GDPR

D) Detect or prevent fraudulent activities and exercise Controller's rights in court Designtech will process Contact Data.
Legal basis: Legitimate interest art 6.1(f) of the GDPR

E) Sending information content (soft spam)Designtech will use the User's contact information to send communications regarding products or services similar to those of interest to the User.
Legal basis: Legitimate interest art 6.1(f) of the GDPR

4. Method of treatment

The processing is carried out using automated and/or manual computer and telematic tools designed to guarantee the appropriate security measures to prevent access, disclosure, loss, incorrect, illegal or unauthorized use of the data.

5. Place of processing

Personal data is processed at the Controller's premises, as well as in the servers hosting the website thedesign.tech/it/. Personal data is stored in servers located in the EU territory and will under no circumstances be transferred outside the EU. The Data Controller ensures that when using cloud providers, services or platforms established outside the EEA, the processing of personal data by these recipients is carried out in accordance with applicable law. Transfers are made by means of appropriate safeguards, such as adequacy decisions, standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission, or other safeguards required by the GDPR.

6. How long may we process your data?

We retain your data for:

⦁    The period necessary to respond to inquiries related to Designtech's activities and in any case never for a period longer than 12 months;

⦁    Until consent is withdrawn with respect to the sending of newsletters and/or other materials for marketing communication purposes and in any case never for a period longer than 7 years.

After that time we will completely delete or anonymize the data.

7. With whom do we share your data?

The individuals who may become aware of your personal data, to the extent strictly necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in paragraph 3, are individuals formally appointed by Designtech.
In addition to internal staff - specifically authorized under Article 29 GDPR - to ensure the provision of the service, personal data may be disclosed to external parties who may act as autonomous data controllers or processors. In particular, your data may be communicated to:

⦁    Internet service providers and platforms used by the Owner as organizational tools, communication channels and/or promotion;

⦁    Authorities whose right of access to personal data is expressly recognized by law, regulations or measures issued by the competent authorities.

Relationships with the entities listed above are formalized with a contract in accordance with Article 28 GDPR.

To find out who are the data processors appointed by Designtech you can contact us at info@thedesign.tech

8. Your privacy rights

What are privacy rights?

The GDPR recognizes important rights that you can exercise by contacting the Data Controller. To learn about your rights in depth, you can read Chapter 3 of the GDPR. You have the opportunity to exercise the following rights:

⦁    Right of access to data;

⦁    Right to rectification;

⦁    Right to be forgotten or erased;

⦁    Right to restriction of processing;

⦁    Right to portability;

⦁    Right to object;

⦁    Right to lodge a complaint with the competent national authority (Data Protection Authority).

9. Who can you turn to

For any communication regarding the processing of your data, including the exercise of your rights, you can write to us by e-mail at: info@thedesign.tech

10. Amendments

Designtech reserves the right to modify or simply update its content, in part or in full, including due to changes in applicable legislation. Designtech will inform Users of such changes as soon as they are introduced and they will be binding as soon as they are posted on its website or otherwise transmitted to them. Designtech therefore invites Users to pay attention to the latest version of the information displayed through these channels so that they are always up-to-date on the data collected and Designtech's use of it.